Well.....,I did point out at some point, some time ago, I am rubbish at writing a diary, therefore it was inevitable that I would be pretty bad at Blogging, and I lived up to this fact.
I have been busy as usual, so has every other blogger in the world so no excuses there then!
I have returned though, and not just left this half abandoned blog floating somewhere in cyberspace.
Life has been the usual mixture of pre-teen tantrums and money eating school trips, along with the odd illness and hospital trip thrown in. Nothing really out of the ordinary as far as normal family living is concerned.
I have however felt a little flat and decided to write down the positives and negative of my life, you know, just the things that make my happy and the things that get me down. It was inspired by a feeling of `why'? That feeling of; why do I get up every morning and work my butt off to still struggle to take the kids out for sunday lunch once in a while? Why do I bother being healthy when my dear friend was just that, and still left this world prematurely with the dreaded `C'. Why do I continue to pick the dirty wet towels off the bathroom floor, only to repeat the process the following day? We all get them, the `Why' day/week/month/year. So, I got bored with myself and my `Why' frame of mind and I wrote two lists, here they are:
The Positives of Life currently are:
- I'm currently healthy.
- My family are healthy.
- My cars are working, at the moment.
- I break up for six weeks in three weeks time.
- My Dogs are healthy (probably should be above my six week holiday).
- My bank Manager doesn't want to see me.
- I'm finally in my home for years to come.
- I bought some new cushions for my chairs in the dining room (I really like them).
- I'm not 40 (yet!).
- I've just been voted as a parish Councillor for my area.
- I have a few very good and loyal friends, which I feel thankful for.
- the weather here in good old cornwall in England could give the brazilian rainy season a run for its money.
- I still haven't won the lottery (no surprise there then).
- I am actually finding it very difficult to think of many more things I would categorise as negative, so that's a positive then?
It actually worked, I felt better!
I will do the exercise again when life appears mundane and dull, it has made me realise that there really is little to feel grumpy about on the whole, and the times when money seems to elude me at the most inconvenient moments, I must bare this in mind. Having to scrimp and scrape and sacrifice, actually allows me to feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction when things such as the long awaited garden starts to grown, or the children smile on a much awaited day out. I may not have felt so happy about these small occurrences in life had I had the money to ask someone else to landscape the garden or should a day out with the children be only one of many days visiting the zoo or museum.
Anyway, it appears that life is all good, and my simple lists help put things into perspective. My blogging shall commence forthwith in a positive vein, though maybe not always through such rose coloured spectacles....but isn't that one of the benefits of expressing our lives in cyber society?
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