Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Dinner time success

Well, as planned I scratted about in the cupboards and freezer and chose my ingredients for tonight's feast.  I was a little later than normal so pasta it was.

Dry Spaghetti (which should have been pasta tubes, before I realised my daughter had left me with enough for four pixies not four humans).
Left over chopped chicken from the roast.
Frozen Spinach x 2 cubes.
mushrooms, a handful or two. 
A glug of white wine which happened to be open and needed to be used, you may wish to finish off the rest via a glass.
chicken stock (1 Oxo cube in a mug of hot water).

Ok, so I fried the mushrooms in butter, salt and pepper added a little flour to thicken and then added a small amount of the stock.  Turned up the heat til bubbling madly and threw in a big glug of white wine.  Boiled it all down a little and added the spinach which I had quickly defrosted in some hot water in the microwave for 2 minutes.  Mixed it all around added a little more salt and pepper, some cheats dried garlic from my spice rack and then left for 10 minutes to all cook together.  At this point I think I may have started boiling my spaghetti as I did forget.

As I have a very fussy son who basically eats no veg apart from carrots only if they're steamed, and Broccoli with absolutely no stalks (basically Broccoli sprinkles), I liquidised everything up at this point with my trusty hand liquidiser to make a smoother sauce.  I then added my leftover chicken, left to bubble gently for 10/15 minutes and that was it, 30 minutes later Spinach, Mushroom and Chicken sauce with Spaghetti.  Everyone ate the lot! A successful, healthy, improv dinner for four.


  1. I can confirm this was very scummy indeed

  2. Thanks for that, I am hoping that you have accidently missed out the `r' and you didn't really think it was scummy? lol

  3. OPPS sorry yes i ment scrummy
